Registration is now OPEN! ​
Studio Policy and Information
Registration Fee
$30/per student or $45/family w/2 students, $55/family w/3 or more students
Class Tuition Payments
Tuition is based on an annual fee and is budgeted into 10 monthly payments from September through June.
If you are registered for Auto-Pay on our online system, you will be charged on the first of each month for your tuition – and costume(s) on November 1st. All families may access their account online at any time.
Recital costume (tights included): payments due by November 1st
Two’s, Pre-school, Kindergarten and Super Stars (1st Grade) – $85. per costume (includes recital tights)
…..$10. DISCOUNT if paid before November 1st ($75)
Primary & Older (ages 7+) – $95. per costume (includes recital tights)
…..$10 DISCOUNT if paid before November 1st ($85)
No refunds for costumes will be made after December 1st.
Family Discounts Available
The first student pays full tuition, each additional family member receives a 15% tuition discount.
(Applies to families living in the same household)
School Policies
Tuition is not refundable due to absence. (See our make-up class policy).
RETURNED CHECK FEE – $30/per check
Any account 60 days in arrears will require payment in full before student(s) are allowed to return to class.
NO costume refunds are made after December 1st.
An effort must be made to attend every class. All students should arrive fifteen minutes before class time. There are no refunds for missed classes. PLEASE CALL or EMAIL IF YOU ARE GOING TO MISS CLASS. Please pick up your child promptly at the end of their class.
Dress Code/Attire
Girls – attire is a leotard and tights. Body fitting warm-up clothes may be worn at the teacher’s discretion. Tights should be worn year-round by all students. Team students will receive a team dress code via email.
Boys – black jazz pants and a fitted t-shirt.
Missed Lessons
Students may take up to FIVE FREE lessons IN ADVANCE to offset any missed lessons or snow-days. Lessons may be made-up in any class of the same level. Students must check in at the desk prior to a “make-up” class. All free lessons must be taken before February 1st.
Weather Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather please check the website, or our Facebook page Diane Kelley dance studio and/or call the studio at 508-835-2678. There will be a message on the website, the Facebook page, and the answering machine. We do not always cancel when school does so please be sure to check.
News and Information
In an effort to keep you informed, a monthly newsletter will be emailed to your main account and posted on the bulletin board at the studio and on the website. Hard copies will be available in the office as well.
Observation Policy
There will be 4 observation periods:
1. all of September
2. first week of November
3. first week of February
4. first week of April
Studios A, B, and C can be observed through the parents viewing windows. Except for Observation Week, parents and non-participating children are not allowed in the studio during class times.
There should be no communication between student and parent during class. This can cause distraction amongst the entire class and undermines the authority of the instructor. Your quiet observation from the viewing areas is always very much appreciated. In the event you child has trouble going into the class, is injured, or needs assistance with the bathroom, you may come into the studio at that time.
2023-2024 Holiday Schedule
Thanksgiving Break…….Closed Wednesday, November 27th - Sunday December 1st
Christmas Break…………Closed Monday, December 23rd – Wednesday, January 1st
Winter Break………………Closed Monday, February 17th – Sunday, February 23rd
Spring Break………………Closed Monday, April 21st – Sunday, April 27th
Memorial Day……………..Monday, May 26th
TUITION-10 monthly payments, September-June
Hours Weekly Monthly Tuition
.50 $46.00
.75 $54.00
1.00 $57.00
1.25 $66.00
1.50 $79.00
1.75 $91.00
2.00 $102.00
2.25 $112.00
2.50 $121.00
2.75 $130.00
3.00 $139.00
3.25 $146.00
3.50 $157.00
3.75 $166.00
4.00 $175.00
4.25 $184.00
4.50 $194.00